Upcoming Events

The Kynd Eyewear Team participates in many events and shows throughout the United States. Keeping that personal touch with our customers, both current and new, is one of the many things that separates our brand from the others.

Here is a list of upcoming events that you can find us at. We also keep our Social Media pages up to date with the events we are at. Click on any of the links at the bottom of each page. We look forward to seeing you at these events.


East Tennessee Fishing Show & Expo 1/23/25-1/26/25 https://easttnfishingshow.com

Wisconsin Fishing Expo 2/21/25-2/23/25 https://wifishingexpo.com

Empire State Outdoor Sportsmen’s Show 2/28/25-3/2/25 https://goodlivingexpos.com

Milwaukee Sport Show 3/7/25-3/9/25 https://jssportsshow.com

New Jersey Saltwater Fishing Expo 3/14/25-3/16/25 https://saltwater.sportshows.com

Elite Fishing Expo 6/6/25-6/8/25 https://elitefishingexpo.com

Salmon-A-Rama 7/12/25-7/20/25 https://salmon-a-rama.com

XRoads 41 Oshkosh 8/7/25-8/9/25 https://xroads41.com